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Ss | Letter Recognition | BLUE Program | Consonant | 18 Pages

-letter recognition
-motor skills
-visual processing

Letter S Worksheets

The contents of this packet provide teachers with a variety of activities and worksheets to help teach correct letter formation, written letter identification, sound spelling, fine-motor skills, and recognition of initial, middle, and ending letter sound. Build phonemic awareness, fine motor-skills and comprehension with this fun activity worksheet packet.

18 Pages of Letter /Ss/ Activities

1. Letter Recognition:
Letter Formation
Stroke Order
Sound Identification (Beginning, Middle, End)

2. Capital (Uppercase) Letter /S/
Letter Formation
Stroke Order
Picture and Sound Recognition (Phonemic Awareness)
Sentence comprehension.

3. Lowercase Letter /s/
Letter Formation
Stroke Order
Picture and Sound Recognition (Phonemic Awareness)
Sentence comprehension.

4. Handwriting
Trace and Write
Sight Word Writing and Spelling

5. Handwriting
Trace and Write
Sight Word Writing and Spelling

6. Phonemic Awareness
Beginning Sounds
Circle and identify pictures with the letter /s/

7. Handwriting and Spelling
Trace and Write
Sight Word Writing and Spelling

8. Phonemic Awareness
Trace and write
Read sight words with the letter /s/
Read and draw

9. Phonemic Awareness
Read the nursery poem
Circle all the /s/ letters you can find
Count and identify – how many did you find? Write the number.

10. Counting
Read, write and count
Color the pictures matching the number you have read and written

11. Maze
Follow the focus letter to get through the maze
Color all the boxes

12. Beginning Sounds
Look and Say
Trace and Write
Circle and identify words that start with the letter /s/

13. Sight Word Sentences
Trace the sight word / vocabulary word
Read and finish the sentence with the focus word
Draw a picture

14. Phonemic Awareness
Beginning Sounds / Middle / Ending Sounds
Color the box where you hear the letter /s/
Is it in the beginning, middle, or end of the word

15. Spelling and Phonemic Awareness
Look, Say and Write
Write the missing letter to spell each word correctly
Write a sentence of your own about one of the pictures

16. Color By Sight Word 1
Color only the spaces with the sight word
What picture do you see?

17. Color By Sight Word 2
Color only the spaces with the sight word
What picture do you see?

18. Find the Letter – Letter Search
Color the parts of the picture that have the focus phoneme
Find the hidden focus letters
Have fun!

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